Google My Business (GMB) Cleaning House

Google announced recently via email to The Google Maps Business View Team to certified Google Photographers for Business Views that it will be removing all inactive Google+ Pages on July 28, 2015. Google My Business (GMB) is a place where you can put all your business...
SEO Maintenance – Why You Need It

SEO Maintenance – Why You Need It

Some things need to be maintained more than others, but almost everything needs consistent maintenance in order to uphold the original integrity of the thing or idea. For instance, you should paint your house every five to eight years on average depending on such...

Google Expands Its Meta Description Length

As I’m sure you’ve noticed, Google has extended the amount of characters they support in their search results.  Although Google has been know and says they use snippets from wherever they choose on that page, most often they use the Meta Description tag in...

Google Celebrates 20th Anniversary

Picture Y2K (the year 2000). DSL was the cool new thing versus dial up Internet.  The browser of choice was Yahoo at the time.  AOL was king.  Frames were all the rage. I was in technical support for an ISP (Internet Service Provider) starting my website business that...

4 Ways To Secure Your Website From Being Hacked

Hacked websites are not only a major security issue for any sensitive data you have on your server, it’s a free ride to the bottom of the rankings in Google.  Lately, we’ve had to help several companies who fell victim to hackers inserting malicious code...