Digital marketing Blog

Why Choose a Full-Service Digital Marketing Agency?

Why Choose a Full-Service Digital Marketing Agency?

Despite uncertain times, digital marketing budgets remain on the rise because of their cost-effectiveness and impressive ROI. Multi-channel, full-service digital marketing is only going to become more important as digital marketing becomes more essential. But what is...

New Year’s Resolutions For Your Internet Marketing Campaign

New Year’s Resolutions For Your Internet Marketing Campaign

It is 2021 and it's that time of the year again: New Year's Resolutions. It's time to reorganize and refresh your life and your business for the New Year. Many of us are planning on becoming more efficient business owners and operators. With that goal in mind, I'd...

When is it a good time to use Google Ads?

When is it a good time to use Google Ads?

Google Ads offers many different types of ads to suit almost any business model. A Google Search Ad campaign will target users who are searching for your specific product or service, placing you at the top of the search results for your relevant keywords. Google...

What are Optimized Press Releases?

What are Optimized Press Releases?

Optimized Press Releases are similar to traditional news press releases, but they are distributed online and optimized to target specific keyword phrases.

Mobile Measurement Potential Realized

Google recently published an interesting article on realizing mobile measurement potential.  It details how mobile influences consumers' purchase decisions. Most of us turn to our phones as we are out shopping or researching a product we are in need of.  76% of people...

Local SEO Landing Pages

Local SEO landing pages are great opportunities to convey you information and increase you online visibility in organic search engine results. Webtyde Internet Marketing has worked with many clients to help improve their local SEO and increase their online visibility...

Happy New Year, 2017!

Webtyde Internet Marketing wishes everyone a safe, healthy, happy, and successful 2017! Contact us soon to start focusing on your business growth and online visibility. See you soon! Warmest Regards, Allyson Seitzler Webtyde Internet Marketing

How Much Does SEO Really Cost?

This information was taken from and article by Marcus Miller at Search Engine Land.   How much does SEO cost? Marcus Miller on July 7, 2017 at 11:19 am How much does SEO cost? It’s the proverbial, “How long is a piece of string?” question. And if you think about...

Burger King Google Spam Goes Awry

Some of you may have heard the latest spam news.  It wasn't from someone in Russia or China...this time, it was from Burger King. Burger King created a commercial that used the voice command to engage Google Home devices to tell people about their Whopper.  It was...

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