How To Write SEO Web Page Content

Just because your business has a website doesn’t mean that people will find it. Unless someone knows your URL, they will only get to your site if it comes up in a search. So you want people searching for what you do to see your name on the search results page.

How do you get your website higher up in the search results? You demonstrate to the search engines that you are an authority on your subject. You do this by writing informative content that lets search engines know what your business is about. When writing pages for your website, you must pay attention to the CONTENT and the FORMAT.

Be an Authority

If your business is selling cars, search engines need to see a lot of content about cars on your website. You have to make sure your page content includes all the information relevant to what you do. This gives you the opportunity to include your primary keywords, words that people will type into search engines.

Approach your content as the answer to a question: “Who has the best mexican food in my city?” Write content that describes your delicious mexican food and why it’s the best. Use your content to show people – and the search engines – that you are an authority on whatever it is your business does, whether it’s sushi, cars, clothing, or legal services.

Focus on Format

Websites use header tags – special code – to identify section headings and subheadings. Search engines can read these tags, and they place higher priority on them. They look for sites that are about whatever someone is searching for, and header tags tell a search engine “Hey – this is what this page is talking about.” The search engine will scan the content below the header and if everything matches up it knows that your website is indeed about what you say it’s about. So it will include your website in the search results. The more authoritative your headers and your content, the better you’ll rank.

Just like those outlines you had to do in high school, headings and subheadings quickly tell the reader what your content is about too. Website content should be well-organized, with an intro, main body, and conclusion. Each section should have a heading, with subheadings further dividing the main body if possible.

Introduce your page

Give a brief overview of the page topic, just a couple sentences that describe what the page is about – the service you’re offering, the product you’re selling, etc.

Discuss the topic authoritatively

Write about the product or service succinctly, but with authority. Answer that question that will lead people to your site. Subdivide your main body content with additional subheadings. These subheadings are like bullet points for both the reader and search engines – a quick outline to show what the content is about.


Sum up the page content and include a call to action that encourages the reader to contact or visit you.

Once you’ve got solid web content written, you can start to blog. Blogging on topics related to your business on a regular basis will get more content about your business out there for search engines to read. And the more your content is shared and liked, the more search engines see your website as an authority in your field, and the higher your rank in search results. If your business needs content help, Webtyde offers both website and blog content writing services (link).


How To Blog For SEO

One of the most important things you can do to boost your SEO is write regular blog posts for your website. Why? Search engines want to see activity and authority. They want to see that you are regularly updating your website and that you are an authority on the subject of your website, whether it’s a shop, a law firm, a restaurant, or any other type of business.

Three important factors in writing a good post: CONTENT, FORMAT, and SHARING. Make sure your post discusses a topic related to your business with authority and make sure the post utilizes good structure and informative headings and subheadings, just like those outlines you had to write back in high school! And make sure your post is good enough to share.


Search engines want to see that you know what you’re talking about. How do they see that? They see that you’re writing about topics that pertain to your business (what your url and your website content say your business does)

Show Your Authority

If you are a clothing boutique, write about clothing. Write about your store. Write about the items you sell. The more you write about your field, the more search engines associate your business name with that field.

Answer a question or solve a problem

Approach each post you write as an answer to a question or a solution to a problem. That “problem” might be “What should I eat tonight?” or “Where can I get a pair of shoes for prom?” If you answer a question better than anyone else, you’ve got authority.


Make sure your posts have an intro, body, and conclusion. Just like you had to do in all those high school papers! Dividing up your post with headings and subheadings is important too. Not only do headers quickly tell the reader what your post is about, like bullet points, headers are a signal to search engines. Search engines view header tags as important, and when they see headers they associate the post, your website, and your business with those topics. So it boosts your authority.


How else does a search engine know that you’re an authority? That you’re answering a question better than anyone else? If your page is being liked, shared, and linked to. When you conclude your post, be sure to encourage readers to share. Sharing your blog posts on your own social media and others increases reach. When google sees more people reading and sharing your posts, it recognizes you as an authority in your field.

Webtyde offers a full range of SEM services to boost your rankings, but we always tell our clients that blogging is one of the best things they can do to increase website traffic. Following these tips will help you create successful blog posts to support your online marketing efforts.