One of the first things any SEO professional will tell you is that you need to create a blog and post on a regular basis. This may not make sense at first and you may question if a blog is truly necessary for your industry where regular customer engagement and education may seem unnecessary. There are in fact many benefits to having and regularly posting on a blog.

The first and most important benefit is SEO. Search engines value new content and websites that are updated frequently get top billing on search engines. Google equates your attention to your website with your ability to serve customers. The more activity on your site, the more authority Google gives you, and the better your rankings. Posting fresh content on a regular basis to appease Google can be a challenge if you aren’t an e-commerce site that is constantly adding new products. A blog is the easiest, most simple way to generate new content.

Another aspect of the SEO is that if you write useful, relevant blog posts, they’ll appear in search results and people will click on them and read them, bringing visitors and potential customers to your site. Obviously, increased traffic doesn’t necessarily lead to conversions but targeted blog posts can be carefully written to attract customers that are most likely to convert. Selecting blog topics that would be of interest to the same people that would be interested purchasing in your product or service is a valuable marketing tactic.

Another benefit producing interesting, useful blog posts is establishing your brand as an authority in your industry and providing brand awareness. Becoming seen as a top market presence can keep your company in the minds of potential customers so they’ll know of you when they’re ready to purchase. Developing an active reader base can also spread your brand’s message and aid your social media endeavors. Blogging will give you useful content to post on social media which can attract new visitors but can also keep your brand in the minds of past customers. Blogging transforms new visitors into customers and transforms past customers into loyal, repeat customers.

Regular blogging benefits nearly every aspect of your online presence from the technical SEO to the brand voice. I realize that blogging has many challenges: making the time to blog, selecting a topic, actually writing the blog, including your keywords, posting the blog, SEO optimizing the blog, etc. Despite the challenges, I highly recommend finding a way to blog or hire a professional to blog for you. Webtyde can provide targeted, SEO optimized blog posts that are written in-house for a flat rate or we’d be happy to edit our existing clients in-house blog posts at no additional fee. Please contact us today at to develop a blogging strategy that works for your business.

Blogging can attract visitors to your website but if you’re having trouble keeping them there, click here to read our blog post about lowering your bounce rate.